
Welcome to Spiritual Warrior Healing, located at the intersection of Eastern philosophy and Western psychology. Seekers journey from all corners of humanity to harmonize their inner and outer worlds, to release negativity and painful memories, and to define the reality of human nature. Walk with me on this road, where we will explore avenues for discovering the wisdom and clarity we need to have loving, fulfilling and energizing lives…

Renu K. Aldrich is a writer and communications consultant whose expertise covers a broad range of areas from spirituality to the financial industry. A Hindu-Druid, she believes strongly in the human capacity for healing and transformation through relationships with the earth and each other.

Ms. Aldrich was a managing director and the head of communications for the fixed income division of Bear Stearns until its demise in 2008. She held executive roles in public relations in the academic, publishing and corporate worlds following her career as a journalist for The Associated Press, The Boston Globe and The Village Voice. Currently a graduate student in psychology, she earned bachelor’s degrees in political science and journalism from New York University.